

Finding increased awareness, strength and mobility through gentle movement and poses.  This is not your sweating, pretzel like bending, head standing yoga but rather connecting to body in compassionate way, taking time to listen and honor the body where it is in the moment, connect to your true self - connect to the world around you. 

If you are looking for a compassionate practice for everyday people we would love to have you join us.

See Yoga for more info


Group healing events

Connecting and coming together allowing the collective energy of the group to support

When we take the time to slow down and take an internal journey we can begin to find peace and compassion for oneself. Allowing everything else to slip away and the true essence of yourself to be felt and heard

From light language to Gong meditations we have you covered.

  • Guided Meditations
  • Light Language meditations
  • Sound baths with singing bowls, chimes and bells
  • Group Tuning Fork sessions
  • Gong meditations
  • Hot stones, Reiki & Restorative
  • Workshops and special events

See events for more info


personal healing sessions

Taking the time for self care bringing ourselves back into alignment so we can feel nurtured and supported.

Melt away stress and tension, releasing energy blocking you from becoming your true radiant self.

A wonderful selection of private one on one offerings to come back to balance & harmony feeling rejuvenated.

  • Energy healing sessions
  • Sound healing
  • Aromatouch essential oil relaxation massage
  • Coaching
  • Harmonic facials 
  • Energy activations
  • Hot stones
  • Quantum energy release 
  • Ohana Generational Healing.
see private sessions for more info
the soul sanctuary (2)

New Beginings 

Stepping into alignment

The last couple of years for many have been a time of hibernation, self reflection and inward journey to find ourself again and how we fit back into the world. Recognizing what is important, what lights us up and realizing that following our hearts compass is where we find the most strength. With this renewed energy has come a rebirth of the studio space, celebrating this renewed energy with a new name ... The Soul Sanctuary.

We are grateful and blessed to still have the studio space to be able to offer an array of classes and sessions from an amazing team of talented practitioners.

Our vision and focus for it to be a place for community, for healing, wellness, transformation and growth. 

finding your sanctuary

Life so often gets busy and hectic but being able to find a place where you can find inner peach & calm we can then begin to find stillness, focus and clarity.

The Soul Sanctuary is housed in the former Bell switch board station - the hub of communication for the whole of Carleton place at one time, now a nurturing space for YOU to find connection.

Whether it be connecting to others through classes, community or group events or finding a deeper connection to self through meditation, mindfulness, energy healing or transformation coaching. We would love to help support you on your journey physically, mentally, spiritually & emotionally.

Everybody needs a place to retreat, a space were the world grows quite enough for the soul to speak & you are calm enough to hear what it says (1)

self care

Taking the time for you

Have you felt lost and alone not quite knowing where to begin on your path to wellness and transformation?

The ever changing world around us has brought with it many challenges there has been a lot of stress for many of us.

When was the last time you poured back into you?

By giving ourselves the space and the freedom to have that moment, that break to truly sit in the seat of our own soul, to stretch & move our body, to start understanding the whispers that are coming from our inner wisdom. We all hold within us the potential to transform our lives, from the inside out. 

Meet our amazing Team

Erin Pinder
Yoga instructor
Karen Jones
Energy Healing, Meditation and Coaching
Ulanda Kay-Coleman
Yoga, Energy Healing, Meditation
Laurie Lynn Clark
Grief companion, Circle facilitator, Reflexology
Margie Hill

our latest offerings

  • Journey through the Chakras
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Testimonials (3)